Birth Stones & Anniversary Gemstones
It is long-believed that precious and semi-precious gemstones have magical powers. 1,500 years ago Ayurvedic practitioners assigned birthstones to people based upon their signs in the zodiac. In the Western Middle Ages, gemstones were linked to the cycles of the zodiac (based on the Gregorian calendar), and this was similar to the system we are familiar with today. Tiffany & Co. published the list as a marketing tool in 1870 to encourage customers to give jewellery for birthday and anniversary gifts. In 1912, the Association of Jewellers of America produced a new standardized list for the birthstone system which made the stones relatively equal in value.
January – Garnet
February – Amethyst
March – Aquamarine or Bloodstone
April – Diamond
May – Emerald
June – Pearl or Moonstone or Alexandrite
July – Ruby
August – Peridot or Sardonyx (Carnelian)
September – Sapphire or Lapis Lazuli
October – Opal or Pink Tourmaline
November – Topaz or Citrine
December – Zircon or Turquoise
The bestselling author of several books on etiquette, Emily Post, was the first author to publish a list suggesting wedding anniversary gems for important years (in 1922). Since then, the anniversary gemstones list has expanded.
1st Year: Gold Jewellery
2nd Year: Garnet
3rd Year: Pearls
4th Year: Blue Topaz
5th Year: Sapphire
6th Year: Amethyst
7th Year: Onyx
8th Year: Tourmaline
9th Year: Lapis Lazuli
10th Year: Diamond Jewellery
11th Year: Turquoise
12th Year: Jade
13th Year: Citrine
14th Year: Opal
15th Year: Ruby
16th Year: Peridot
17th Year: Watches
18th Year: Cat’s Eye
19th Year: Aquamarine
20th Year: Emerald
21st Year: Lolite
22nd Year: Spinel
23rd Year: Imperial Topaz
24th Year: Tanzanite
25th Year: Silver Jubilee
30th Year: Pearl Jubilee
35th Year: Emerald
40th Year: Ruby
45th Year: Sapphire
50th Year: Gold
55th Year: Alexandrite
60th Year: Diamond
70th Year: Sapphire
80th Year: Ruby